
实习 and 学徒制


实习 & Apprenticeship Opportunities


实习通常是更短期的工作经历,旨在帮助学生了解职业, 公司, 场, 或行业.

实习是一种短期的工作经历,可以帮助个人对职业有更多的了解, 公司, 或行业. 实习的目的是提供与个人职业目标相关的教育经历. Students or recent graduates generally hold internships. 一些学位课程要求实习作为学生学习课程的一部分. 实习可以为学生提供第一手的职业经验,并帮助学生获得与工作相关的技能,以弥合高等教育和职业之间的差距. 实习还可以帮助学生和毕业生制作简历,向雇主展示他们在所学领域的经验.

The Center for Student Careers and Employment regularly posts local, 全州, and national internships on SJC应聘. 登录 SJC应聘 with your 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 e-mail address and password. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact us at careercenter@azarnewsonline.com.

目前, 学生职业和就业中心能够通过国家资助为符合条件的学生提供校外实习机会. If you are interested in becoming a Student Intern, complete a Request for 学生就业/实习

Networking with employers can also lead to internship offers. Be sure to check our 事件日历 and participate in events where employers come on to campus. The Center for Student Careers and Employment hosts an annual Career & 实习 Fair each spring. SJC应聘 also has a database of hundreds of employers to search through.

The following websites also have various internship opportunities available:


There are many benefits to obtaining an internship.

  • Gain experience and build your resume. 雇主们总是在寻找那些受过必要教育、有实践经验的毕业生, real-world experience.
  • Improve your skill set. There are many skills that are learned on the job. We often refer to these as soft skills or job-related skills. These types of skills include communication, 团队合作, 处理冲突, 职业道德, and time management.
  • 了解. 实习可以让你测试一个职业或领域,看看它是否真的是你感兴趣的长期工作.
  • 扩大你的人际网络. 你在实习期间遇到和共事的人会成为你的专业推荐人,可能还会为你提供推荐信.
  • Future job opportunities. Many companies hire interns as regular employees. If you make a good impression on an employer, it can open a door to employment.

实习的时间长短取决于具体的实习和所在的机构. 实习时间可以是几周、几个月、暑假或寒假. 确保你了解实习的持续时间,这样你就可以根据你的学习时间表来计划.


Not all internships are paid. Some internships offer academic credit instead of pay. Before applying for an internship, be sure you know if it is unpaid. 接受一份无薪实习意味着你将不得不从其他地方获得经济支持. 还记得, you might still need to account for transportation to your internship site, 食物, and professional clothing. 无论带薪还是无薪,实习都能为你进入职场提供宝贵的经验. 

The first thing you will want to do is prepare your resume. 创建一份基本简历,可以很容易地根据你申请的每个具体实习机会进行调整. 查看我们的 简历资源 to get started on your resume. Once you have completed your resume, e-mail it to us at careercenter@azarnewsonline.com and we will be happy to provide you with feedback. 

Develop a plan and be smart in your search for internship opportunities. 联系 our Student 实习 & 学徒协调员协助你制定实习计划. 

虚拟或远程实习完全通过电子邮件、在线聊天或电话完成. 它们通常提供了很大的灵活性,并且消除了必须住在特定地理位置的必要性. 虚拟实习可以很容易地适应繁忙的大学日程,让学生不必在特定的时间通勤到特定的地点就能获得经验. 看看 SJC应聘 for a full listing of virtual internships. 


学徒制是培训个人从事技术工作的长期机会. 学徒制 combine classroom experience with on-the-job training. 

学徒计划将有偿在职培训与相关的课堂教学相结合. 学徒制的目的是为个人从事技术职业做好准备,同时为他们提供雇主在申请人身上寻求的实践经验. 雇主通常会确保完成课程的人继续工作,并增加工资.

雇主与太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站合作,以确定在特定职业中工作所需的技能. Over the course of an apprenticeship program, 参与者通过教学和在职应用的结合来掌握这些技能. Program length will vary depending on the complexity of the occupation. Participants earn wages while being trained. Program completers receive either a certificate of completion, 大学学位, 或行业-recognized credential. Oftentimes, the employer will retain the employee at an increased wage. 

学徒制 last from one to six years. The length of an apprenticeship depends on the occupation model. 学徒制 connect education and work simultaneously. 学徒一边工作一边上课,结合理论和实践学习.


Apprentices earn competitive wages, a paycheck from the first day of employment, and incremental raises as skill levels increase. 请查看 Department of Labor Fact Sheet on apprentice earnings and statistics. 

学徒制 allow you to learn while you earn. In an apprenticeship, 你将获得薪水,并且随着你技能水平的提高,你的薪水也会随之增加. 您将通过实践学习和课堂教学来学习您的行业. 学徒制通过提供高薪和长期的职业机会来帮助你实现你的职业目标.

成为学徒的第一步是确定你感兴趣的行业或职业. 检查一下,做一个6到60个问题的评估,帮助你了解哪些职业可能适合你. 

联系 our Student 实习 & 学徒协调员,看看这个项目的最低要求是什么. 你必须完成一份申请,然后经过面试和选拔过程. 如果你被选中, 您将签署一份学徒协议和注册表格,确认项目的条款和条件.

在申请学徒资格时,重要的是要记住,在申请之前要了解要求. 有些学徒会要求你年满18岁,并有高中文凭或普通同等文凭(GED)。.

In addition to filling out forms, 你可能需要接受一些学徒资格的能力或能力测试. These qualifying exams will measure reading, 数学, and problem-solving skills depending on the program. Sometimes, you must also pass a physical condition test. Not everyone who applies to an apprenticeship program will be accepted, and some aspiring apprentices will be placed on a waitlist, especially for popular apprenticeship programs.

We have the following programs approved as State Registered Apprenticeship Programs through the State of New Mexico.

  • 商业司机
  • 柴油机械
  • Automotive Technician
  • 医疗助理
  • Computer User Support Specialist

如果你有兴趣了解更多太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站这些学徒的机会, 请致电505-566-3220或mccombet@sanjuancollege太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学徒协调员.edu


电话: (505) 566-3423

West Classroom Complex,

m - f8a.m - 5 p.m